Eshamy Bay Lodge offers a full daily menu, included in the price of your stay. Meals are prepared in the Cook House building at Eshamy Bay Lodge, and can be served at the kitchen table or on the deck while you watch, sea otters, seals, and other wildlife as you dine. Full course meals are served for Breakfast and Dinner. Lunches will be taken as a box lunch with you or your guide. A full array of choices will be available to satisfy you while you are out on your adventure.
Menu options for meals are decided by the cook the week of. All dinner meals will have a main course consisting of either Steak, Pork, Chicken or Halibut, Salmon, Shrimp when available. Included in the Dinner will also be a tasty recipe of potato, rice, or pasta and a vegetable side to compliment the meal. Various Breakfast menus will be prepared including, but not limited to, Omelets, Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, breakfast potatoes, french toast and pancakes. Salads, appetizers, soups and desserts will also be included at various times. Please inform us of any dietary needs when you book your reservation so that we may have time to accommodate you.
Breakfast Quiche Chocolate Mousse in Chocolate cup