The Prince William Sound is known for its Alaska Deer Hunting. The Deer Hunting Season is now open for Bucks Aug. 1 – Sept 30 and any Deer Oct. 1 – Dec. 31. the Bag limit is Five Deer Total; Hunt requires Alaska hunting license and Harvest tickets. Let Prince William Sound Taxi transport your Sitka Blacktail Deer Hunting Party to the destination of your choice in the Prince William Sound, or to Eshamy Bay Lodge. Eshamy Bay Lodge is located in the center of the Prince William Sound, close to Knight Island, Green Island, and Montague Island. Spend your nights in one of the comfortable Prince William Sound rental cabins at Eshamy Bay Lodge, enjoying excellent meals, flush toilets, and hot showers, while you map out your next days hunting destination for the Captain of the Prince William Sound Taxi to transport you to. Be sure to check with the Alaska Fish and Game Department for changes in regulations and emergency closures for the Alaska deer hunting season.