Let Eshamy Bay Lodge be your headquarters for your unguided Alaska Black Bear Hunt and have the Eshamy Bay Water Taxi transport you and your skiff to Eshamy Bay Lodge. As a licensed big game transporter, Prince William Sound Taxi can also transport you to other parts of the Sound for Black Bear Drop off Hunts too. Prince William Sound is said to have the highest concentration of Black Bears in Alaska, and Eshamy Bay Lodge is in the heart of the Prince William Sound. Prince William Sound Alaska black bears are typically found at the shorelines of the Prince William Sound in early spring. Male Bears five to six feet in size weighing 150 – 400 pounds will often emerge from the winter dens first, in search of newly sprouted shore grass and greens. Early spring in the Prince William Sound is usually wet, and cold, with plenty of snow still on the ground. Choosing Eshamy Bay Lodge as base camp for your self guided Bear Hunt, will seem like a necessity rather than a luxury after you have seen the early spring camping conditions. Sleeping in a wet cold den is ideal for producing plush fur coats on lean spring Prince William Sound black bears, but these conditions makes for less than a comfortable hunt. Stay in one of our Prince William Sound Rental cabins, enjoying the warm and dry comfort provided by the diesel stove in each cabin. Dine daily on the many fine meals prepared by your hosts Duke and Pamela, in the cookhouse, and at the end of the day take a nice warm shower to wash off the days hunt. Flush toilet, warm showers, fine meals, in a hunters paradise is what you can expect at Eshamy Bay Lodge. Make your reservation now, space and dates are limited.
– Round Trip Transportation from Whittier to Eshamy Bay Lodge
– 4 days, 3 nights lodging and Meals
– $1550 per person (4 persons minimum / Max 6 per group)
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s Division of Conservation has an excellent Alaska Black Bear resource page, for both the novice and expert Prince William Sound black bear hunter.